Ending The Three-Tier System

Changing this archaic and harmful system begins through eduction…then action.

The three-tier system of alcohol regulation was built for a world that no longer exist.

The mission behind Fermenting Change is building a consensus around the imperative of dismantling this harmful system of alcohol regulation and creating a movement that leads to regulations that benefit the industry and consumers.

What is the Three-Tier System?

In order to dismantle the three-tier system, first you need to know exactly what it is.

How the Three-Tier System Harms Everyone

An archaic, one-sided system that upholds the interests of middlemen wholesalers, the three-tier system is harming wineries, brewers, distillers, retailers, restaurants, importers, and consumers.

Why The Three-Tier System Must Be Dismantled

When a system no longer serves its original purpose, changes must be made. The culture, society, economy, technology, and consumers today don’t resemble the 1930s, let alone the turn-of-the-century conditions for which the three-tier system was built.

An Alternative to the Three-Tier System of Alcohol Control

Any alternative to the three-tier system must directly address the challenges of the 21st Century, not the conditions of the 19th century. Here is an alternative alcohol regulatory system that focuses on today, not yesterday.

Fermenting Change: The Book

This short book written by Tom Wark, looks at the politics, corruption, and potential reform of the three-Tier System of alcohol regulation.

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